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Profiling internet banking users: A knowledge discovery in data mining process model based approach

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Analysing datasets using data mining techniques can enhance decision making in organizations. However, to ensure that the full potential of these techniques is realised it is important that decision makers understand there are Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDDM) processes that are mature enough to be adopted. This paper demonstrates the benefits of using a KDDM process to evaluate survey data for internet banking users in Jamaica which includes demographic as well as attitudinal and behavioral variables. The major benefits of following this process include the selection of a set of models, rather than a single model, which are more relevant to the business/research objectives and use of a more targeted knowledge discovery process as the data mining analyst is now directed to consider the effects the decisions in each phase will have on subsequent phases. This leads to more relevant knowledge being extracted from the data mining process.

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Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12

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Correspondence to Gunjan Mansingh.

Appendix A

Appendix A


Construct/Variable Description

Field Names

Banking Use Demographics



Internet Banking (IB) User (Yes/No)



Frequency of Banking Use (General use)



Bank User (Yes/No)



Credit Union/Building Society User (Yes/No)



Internet Banking Use (# of Years)


Internet Use Demographics



Internet Access through:



- Home (Yes/No)



- School (Yes/No)



- Work (Yes/No)



Ready Access to Internet (Yes/No)



Computer Use (# of Years)



Internet Use (# of Years)


Personal Demographics









Educational Level



Occupation Classification Code



Head of Household



Primary Income Earner



Household Structure



No. of Dependents





Attitudinal and Behavioral Variables






Perceived Usefulness



Perceived Ease of Use









Personal Innovativeness



Perceived Behavioral Control



Subjective Norm



Need for Human Interaction



Perceived Cost (Effort)



Switching Cost (Inertia)



Perceived Security



IB activities (Users only) (e.g. view transactions and balances; transfer funds between bank accounts; pay personal bills; subscribe to Alert services, etc.)


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Mansingh, G., Rao, L., Osei-Bryson, KM. et al. Profiling internet banking users: A knowledge discovery in data mining process model based approach. Inf Syst Front 17, 193–215 (2015).

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