In recent years, healthcare spending has risen and become a burden on governments especially in the US. The selection of the primary medical procedure by physicians is the first step in the patient treatment process and is considered to be one of the main causes for hospital readmissions if it is not done correctly. In this paper, we propose a system that can identify with high accuracy the primary medical procedure for a newly admitted patient. We propose three approaches to anticipate which medical procedure should be primary. Additionally, we propose the procedure graph, which shows all possible paths that a new patient may undertake during the course of treatment. Finally, we extract the possible associations between the primary procedure and other procedures in the same hospital visit. The results show the ability of our proposed system to identify which procedure should be primary and extract its associations with other procedures.

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This work was supported by SAS Institute under UNC-Charlotte Internal Grant No. 15-0645.
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Mardini, M.T., Raś, Z.W. Discovering Primary Medical Procedures and their Associations with Other Procedures in HCUP Data. Inf Syst Front 24, 133–147 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-020-10058-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-020-10058-9