The advanced information technologies have made it possible for individuals to carry out cooperative learning efficiently and effectively from anywhere and at any time. To capitalize on the individual need and address the issues associated with the late entry into the e-learning area, it has great significance to study the service mechanism of CSCL on e-learning service and e-learning service computing modeling. This paper proposes an e-learning service model supporting for the life-cycle process management. The proposed model is developed by considering the learner’s behaviours during e-learning services, the scheduling policies, and the monitoring mechanism of learning activities. Business process modeling for e-learning services can be taken according to the study ordering of the knowledge points by using workflow modeling technology and process enactment mechanism. The overall life-cycle process management of knowledge is addressed by combining knowledge product modeling, knowledge resource modeling, and credit polices for member selection in research team by considering trust value of learners, advisers and providers in e-learning services. The proposed method can be used for supporting the sustainable development of e-learning services from planning and design, organizing e-learning process, maintenance of the e-learning process, to process improvement, as well as to support learners and advisers to effectively complete innovative team study and complex computation study. Lastly, an extended topic map tool has been developed by adding a knowledge requirement level and an information extraction tool to validate the proposed methodology. These tools can used to guide learners to concentrate on the required knowledge topics and drive knowledge providers to redevelop outdated knowledge hierarchy.

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The paper is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61272036, Changjiang Scholar Program of the Ministry of Education of China, and the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1044845, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No. NZ2013306, and Key Disciplines of Software Engineering of Shanghai Second Polytechnic University under Grant No. XXKZD1301.
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Tan, W., Chen, S., Li, L. et al. A method toward dynamic e-learning services modeling and the cooperative learning mechanism. Inf Technol Manag 18, 119–130 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-015-0235-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-015-0235-3