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Information technology and e-business marketing strategy

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The advancement of information technology and its benefits for organizations have made the field of e-business marketing competitive and successful although there have been failures as well. Failure happens due to the use of constant strategies while the e-business environment is dynamic and in such a context, strategy formulation and implementation is a challenge for e-business organization. In this research a questionnaire was designed by reviewing the literature and interviewing experts. Analyzing the collected data, the e-business key strategy factors such as technology, information systems, risk management and compliance were extracted. In the next stage, these key factors were presented as the e-business marketing strategy model. The results suggested that dissimilar dimensions of e-business strategy factors may not be equally conducive to different marketing strategies. In particular, risk management has an insignificant relationship with any of the marketing strategies; while high level of compliance is positively associated only with a focus strategy. IT governance is positively associated with price leadership and differentiation strategies but linked negatively with focus strategy.

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See Table 7 Questionnaire.

Table 7 Rotated factor structure

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Sanaei, M.R., Sobhani, F.M. Information technology and e-business marketing strategy. Inf Technol Manag 19, 185–196 (2018).

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