Verification of a design, based on model checking, requires the identification of a set of formal properties manually derived from the specification of the design under verification (DUV). Such a set can include too few or too many properties. This paper proposes to use a functional ATPG to identify missing properties and to remove unnecessary ones. In particular, the paper refines, extends, and compares, with other symbolic approaches, a methodology to estimate the completeness of formal properties, which exploits a functional fault model and a functional ATPG. Moreover, the same fault model and ATPG are used to face the opposite problem of identifying useless properties, that is, properties which are in logical consequence. Logical consequence between properties is generally examined by using theorem proving, which may require a large amount of time and space resources. On the contrary, the paper proposes a faster approach which analyzes logical consequence by observing the property capability of revealing functional faults. The joint use of the methodologies allows to optimize the set of properties used for several verification sessions needed to check all design phases of an incremental design flow.

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Note that, the proposed methodology is applied in the same way when the environment is not required.
Note that ι is also a test sequence for f on \({\cal I}\).
A safety property is a formula that states that the DUV must never evolve in a not accepted configuration.
A liveness property is a formula that states that sooner or later the DUV must evolve in a particular configuration.
This is true if the sets to be compared are ordered. However, this is guaranteed by the fault simulator, which analyzes faults in ascending order with respect to the activation codes.
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This work has been partially supported by the VERTIGO European project FP6-2005-IST-5-033709.
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Fummi, F., Pravadelli, G. Too Few or Too Many Properties? Measure it by ATPG!. J Electron Test 23, 373–388 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-007-5015-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-007-5015-5