In this paper, we propose a diagnose strategy based on built-in current sensors able to detect the effects of single event transients (SETs) in SRAM memory decoders. By analyzing the effects, it is possible to mitigate the error by warning the system about the erroneous write and read operation or by circuit error correction avoiding catastrophic multiple bit upset errors. While EDAC can only protect faults in the memory cell array, the proposed method can cope with faults in the combinational memory circuitry. This BICS-based technique can be used in combination with EDAC to achieve high reliability in memories fabricated in nanometer technologies. Our methodology has been validated by Spice simulation and results show that our approach presents a low area, performance and power dissipation penalty.

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Henes Neto, E., Wirth, G. & Kastensmidt, F.L. Mitigating Soft Errors in SRAM Address Decoders Using Built-in Current Sensors. J Electron Test 24, 425–437 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-007-5056-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-007-5056-9