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A Comprehensive Framework for Counterfeit Defect Coverage Analysis and Detection Assessment

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Journal of Electronic Testing Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The increasing threat of counterfeit electronic components has created specialized service of testing, detection, and avoidance of such components. However, various types of counterfeit components – recycled, remarked, overproduced, defective, cloned, forged documentation, and tampered – pose serious threats to supply chain. Over the past few years, standards and programs have been put in place throughout the supply chain that outline testing, documenting, and reporting procedures. However, there is little uniformity in the test results among the various entities. Currently, there are no metrics for evaluating these counterfeit detection methods. In this paper, we have developed a detailed taxonomy of defects present in counterfeit components. Based on this taxonomy, a comprehensive framework has been developed to find an optimum set of detection methods considering test time, test cost, and application risks. We have also performed an assessment of all the detection methods based on the newly introduced metrics – counterfeit defect coverage, under-covered defects, and not-covered defects.

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Fig. 9

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The authors would like to thank Steve Walters of Honeywell, and the G19-A group members for providing valuable feedback on the defect taxonomy. The authors would also like to thank Huynh Yvonne of Boeing and Sultan Lilani of Integra Tech. for their feedback on developing the model.

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Guin, U., DiMase, D. & Tehranipoor, M. A Comprehensive Framework for Counterfeit Defect Coverage Analysis and Detection Assessment. J Electron Test 30, 25–40 (2014).

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