CMOS technology scaling has reached its limit at the 22 nm technology node due to several factors including Process Variations (PV), increased leakage current, Random Dopant Fluctuation (RDF), and mainly the Short-Channel Effect (SCE). In order to continue the miniaturization process via technology down-scaling while preserving system reliability and performance, Fin Field-Effect Transistors (FinFETs) arise as an alternative to CMOS transistors. In parallel, Static Random-Access Memories (SRAMs) increasingly occupy great part of Systems-on-Chips’ (SoCs) silicon area, making their reliability an important issue. SRAMs are designed to reach densities at the limit of the manufacturing process, making this component susceptible to manufacturing defects, including the resistive ones. Such defects may cause dynamic faults during the circuits’ lifetime, an important cause of test escape. Thus, the identification of the proper faulty behavior taking different operating conditions into account is considered crucial to guarantee the development of more suitable test methodologies. In this context, a comparison between the behavior of a 22 nm CMOS-based and a 20 nm FinFET-based SRAM in the presence of resistive defects is carried out considering different power supply voltages. In more detail, the behavior of defective cells operating under different power supply voltages has been investigated performing SPICE simulations. Results show that the power supply voltage plays an important role in the faulty behavior of both CMOS- and FinFET-based SRAM cells in the presence of resistive defects but demonstrate to be more expressive when considering the FinFET-based memories. Studying different operating temperatures, the results show an expressively higher occurrence of dynamic faults in FinFET-based SRAMs when compared to CMOS technology.

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Copetti, T., Balen, T.R., Brum, E. et al. Comparing the Impact of Power Supply Voltage on CMOS- and FinFET-Based SRAMs in the Presence of Resistive Defects. J Electron Test 36, 271–284 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-020-05869-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-020-05869-2