A non-dominated sorting modified teaching–learning-based optimization (NSMTLBO) is proposed to obtain the optimum solution for a multi-objective problem related to machining Polytetrafluoroethylene. Firstly, an experimental design is done and the L27 orthogonal array with three-level of cutting speed \( \left( {V_{c} } \right) \), feed rate (f), depth of cut (ap) and nose radius \( \left( {N_{r} } \right) \) is formulated. A CNC turning machine is used to perform experiments with cemented carbide tool at an insert angle of 80° and the response variables known as surface finish and material removal rate are measured. A response surface model is rendered from the experimental results to derive the minimization function of surface roughness \( \left( {R_{a} } \right) \) and maximization function of material removal rate (MRR). Both optimization functions are solved simultaneously using NSMTLBO. A fuzzy decision maker is also integrated with NSMTLBO to determine the preferred optimum machining parameters from Pareto-front based on the relative importance level of each objective function. The best responses Ra = 2.2347 µm and MRR = 96.835 cm3/min are predicted at the optimum machining parameters of Vc = 160 mm/min, f = 0.5 mm/rev, ap = 0.98 mm and Nr = 0.8 mm. The proposed NSMTLBO is reported to outperform other six peer algorithms due to its excellent capability in generating the Pareto-fronts which are more uniformly distributed and resulted higher percentage of non-dominated solutions. Furthermore, the prediction results of NSMTLBO are validated experimentally and it is reported that the performance deviations between the predicted and actual results are lower than 3.7%, implying the applicability of proposed work in real-world machining applications.

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Carbon fibre reinforced polymer
- DOE:
Design of experiment
- ECM:
Electrochemical machining
- EDM:
Electric discharge machining
Enhanced multi-objective teaching–learning-based optimization
- FIB:
Focused ion beam
- ICA:
Imperialist competitive algorithm
- microEDM:
Micro-electric discharge machining
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
Multi-objective grey wolf optimizer
Multi-objective improved teaching–learning based optimization
- MOP:
Multi-objective optimization problem
Multi-objective particle swarm optimization
Multi-objective teaching–learning-based optimization
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II
Non-dominated sorting modified teaching–learning-based optimization
Non-dominated sorting teaching–learning-based optimization
- PSO:
Particle swarm optimization
- PCD:
Polycrystalline diamond
- RSM:
Response surface model
Teaching-learning-based optimization
Wire-electric discharge machining
- d :
Index of each dimension component of learner
- m :
Index of objective function
- n :
Index of learner
- r :
Index to indicate the rank of a given front
- s :
Index of learner that is randomly selected for comparison
- \( F_{r} \) :
Set containing all learners with the r-th rank value
- \( L_{m,r} \) :
Set containing all sorted members of the r-th front for the m-th objective
- Q :
Set containing all learners to create the next front
- \( S_{n} \) :
Set containing all solutions dominated by the n-th learner
- \( {\mathbf{Rank}} \) :
Set containing all non-domination rank values of N learners
- \( {\mathbf{F}} \) :
Set containing all members from R fronts
- \( {\varvec{\Delta}} \) :
Set containing the crowding distances of all N learners
- \( {\mathbf{P}} \) :
Set containing all population members
- \( {\mathbf{P}}^{{{\mathbf{off}}}} \) :
Set containing all offspring members
- \( {\mathbf{P}}^{{{\mathbf{comb}}}} \) :
Set containing the combination of both population and offspring members
- \( {\varvec{\Psi}}^{{\mathbf{U}}} \) :
Set containing the utopia point of a multi-objective optimization problem with M objective functions
- \( {\varvec{\Psi}}^{{{\mathbf{SN}}}} \) :
Set containing the pseudo nadir point of a multi-objective optimization problem with M objective functions
- R P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of NSMTLBO
- S P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of MOPSO
- T P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of NSGA-II
- U P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of MOGWO
- V P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of MOTLBO
- W P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of MO-ITLBO
- X P :
Set containing the Pareto non-dominated solution set of NSTLBO
- \( \psi \left( { \cdot , \cdot , \cdot , \cdot } \right) \) :
An operator that returns the response variable value based on the given control variables
- \( \varPsi_{m} \left( \cdot \right) \) :
An operator that returns the value of the m-th objective function based on the given individual solution
- \( Trunc\left( { \cdot , \cdot } \right) \) :
An operator that returns the best N members with the lowest ranking and highest crowding distance values
- \( C\left( { \cdot , \cdot } \right) \) :
An operator that returns the percentage of solution set from one Pareto front that is dominated by solution set from another Pareto front
- \( \prec_{cco} \) :
Crowding-comparison operator to compare the superiority of two solutions
- \( V_{c} \) :
Cutting speed
- f :
Feed rate
- ap :
Depth of cut
- \( N_{r} \) :
Nose radius
- \( R_{a} \) :
Surface roughness
- \( \Delta R_{a} \) :
Error rate of surface roughness
- MRR :
Material removal rate
- \( \Delta MRR \) :
Error rate of material removal rate
- \( D_{initial} \) :
Initial diameter of PTFE sample before machining process
- \( D_{final} \) :
Final diameter of PTFE sample after machining process
- L :
Length of cut of PTFE sample
- T :
Time taken to cut PTFE sample
- Y :
Response term of regression equation
- \( \alpha_{0} \) :
Free term of regression equation
- \( X_{i} \) :
Control variable term of regression equation
- \( \beta_{i} \) :
Linear coefficient term of regression equation
- \( \beta_{ii} \) :
Quadratic coefficient term of regression equation
- \( \beta_{ij} \) :
Interacting coefficient term of regression equation
- D :
Number of decision variables to be optimized
- N :
Population size
- \( T_{f} \) :
Teaching factor that can be set as either 1 or 2
- \( T_{f1} ,T_{f2} \) :
Teaching factors with the range of 1 to 2 generated from uniform distribution
- \( C_{n} \) :
Domination count to indicate the number of solutions dominate the n-th learner
- \( Rank_{n} \) :
Non-domination rank value of the n-th learner
- \( \Delta_{a,r} \) :
Crowding distance of the a-th member in the r-th front
- R :
Upper limit of front counter
- \( \left| {F_{r} } \right| \) :
Number of members in the r-th front
- \( X_{n,d} \) :
The d-th component of n-th candidate solution
- \( X^{teacher} \) :
Solution vector that represents the best solution known as teacher
- \( X^{mean} \) :
Solution vector that represents the average knowledge level of population
- \( X_{n}^{new} \) :
New solution vector produced by the n-th learner during the teacher or learner phases
- \( X_{d}^{U} \) :
Upper limit of the d-th dimensional component
- \( X_{d}^{L} \) :
Lower limit of the d-th dimensional component
- \( X_{a,d}^{Cand} \) :
Solution vector of the d-th dimensional component of a-th candidate teacher
- \( X^{preferred} \) :
Solution vector of most preferred Pareto optimal solution
- \( X_{n}^{teacher} \) :
Solution vector of teacher assigned to the n-th learner
- \( \tilde{X}_{n}^{mean} \) :
Weighted mean position vector assigned to the n-th learner
- \( E_{n,a} \) :
Normalized Euclidean distance between the n-th learner and the a-th candidate teacher
- \( r_{1} ,r_{2} ,r_{3} ,r_{4} \) :
Random numbers with the range of 0 to 1 generated from uniform distribution
- \( r_{5} \) :
Random numbers with the range of − 1 to 1 generated from uniform distribution
- \( P_{cr} \) :
Crossover rate
- \( P_{mut} \) :
Mutation probability
- \( d_{r} \) :
Randomly selected dimensional component for mutation
- \( \varPsi_{m}^{U} \) :
Utopia point of a multi-objective optimization problem in the m-th objective function
- \( \varPsi_{m}^{SN} \) :
Pseudo nadir point of a multi-objective optimization problem in the m-th objective function
- \( \mu_{a}^{m} \) :
Membership value of the a-th Pareto optimal solution in the m-th objective function
- \( \mu_{a} \) :
Total degree of optimality of each a-th Pareto optimal solution
- \( w_{m} \) :
Relative importance of each m-th objective function
- \( w_{1} \) :
Relative importance level of minimizing surface finish
- \( w_{2} \) :
Relative importance level of maximizing material removal rate
- \( \gamma \) :
Counter of function evaluations
- \( \varGamma \) :
Maximum fitness evaluation numbers
- \( d_{a} \) :
Smallest Euclidean distance between the a-th and b-th Pareto optimal solutions
- \( \bar{d} \) :
Average value of all smallest Euclidean distance
- S :
Spacing measure
- SD :
Standard deviation
- R 2 :
Percentage of variation of data
- P :
Significance of control variables
- \( c_{1} ,c_{2} \) :
Acceleration coefficients
- \( \alpha \) :
Grid inflation rate
- \( nGrid \) :
Number of grid per dimension
- \( nGroup \) :
Number of group created for multiple group learning
- \( \varepsilon \) :
Parameter used for epsilon dominance method
- \( \left| A \right| \) :
Archive size
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This work is partially supported by UCSI University Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund (PSIF) with Project Code of Proj-In-FETBE-34 and Proj-In-FETBE-50.
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Natarajan, E., Kaviarasan, V., Lim, W.H. et al. Non-dominated sorting modified teaching–learning-based optimization for multi-objective machining of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). J Intell Manuf 31, 911–935 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-019-01486-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-019-01486-9