Belt Conveyors are essential for transporting dry bulk material in different industries. Such structures require permanent inspections, traditionally executed by human operators based on cognition. To improve working conditions and process standardization, we propose a novel procedure to inspect conveyor structures with a ground robot composed by a mobile platform, a robotic arm, and a sensor-set. Based on field experience, we introduce ROSI, a new robotic device designed for long-term operations in harsh outdoor environments. The mobile robot has a hybrid locomotion system, using wheels to reduce energy consumption while covering long distances, and also flippers with tracks to improve mobility during obstacle negotiation. A mechanical passive switch allows decoupling tracks’ traction, reducing components wear and energy consumption without raising mechanical complexity. Aiming the robot-assisted operation, control strategies help to (i) command both the mobile platform and a robotic manipulator considering the system whole-body model, (ii) adjust the contact force for touching the conveyor structure during vibration inspection, and (iii) climb stairs while automatically adjusting the flippers. Machine Learning algorithms detect conveyors’ dirt build-ups, roller failures, and bearing faults by processing visual, thermal and sound data as inspection functionalities. The algorithms training and validation use a dataset collected from running conveyors at Vale, presenting detection accuracy superior to 90%. Field test results in a mining site demonstrate the robot capabilities to stand for the harsh operating conditions while executing all the required inspection tasks, stating ROSI as a disruptive solution for Belt Conveyor inspections and other general industrial operations.
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This work was financed in part by Brazilian National Research Council CNPq, the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 88887.136349/2017-00 and 001, VALE S.A. and Instituto Tecnologico Vale.
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Rocha, F., Garcia, G., Pereira, R.F.S. et al. ROSI: A Robotic System for Harsh Outdoor Industrial Inspection - System Design and Applications. J Intell Robot Syst 103, 30 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-021-01459-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-021-01459-2