In this paper, a synchronization approach to solve the formation control problem for three differential-drive wheeled mobile robots from a cluster space perspective is studied. In order to solve the individual trajectory tracking task of each mobile robot while maintaining a desired formation, besides the controller at cluster level, another inner robot controller is implemented. With this, the robustness of formation keeping to perturbations is increased and motions of all mobile robots are synchronized. Based on Lyapunov theory, it is demonstrated that the proposed synchronization strategy guarantees that both the tracking errors and the synchronization errors of all mobile robots asymptotically converge to the origin. Achieving this, the cluster errors asymptotically converge to zero as well. Furthermore, the robots orientation errors exponentially converge to the origin. The control laws are experimentally validated, using a set of TurtleBot3 mobile robots; these results show the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
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This work was partially supported by CONACyT, México, through scholarship holder No. 553972, and also by the Project CB-2015-01, 254329.
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Appendix A: Proof of lemma 1
As can be shown in (39), with kqi > 0, the orientation error of each differential wheeled mobile robot exponentially converges to zero. Therefore this implies that \(q_{i} \rightarrow q_{id}, \ C_{i} \rightarrow \cos \limits (q_{id}), \ S_{i} \rightarrow \sin \limits (q_{id}),\) with i = 1, 2, 3. After a transient, the terms \(r_{x}(\dot {x}_{id},\dot {y}_{id},S_{i}, C_{i})\) and \(r_{y}(\dot {x}_{id},\dot {y}_{id},S_{i}, C_{i})\) given in (42) and (43), respectively, satisfy the nonholonomic constraint (3), that is
Thereby, the terms rx,ry are vanished signals of the system (44)-(46) due to their convergence to zero only depends on the orientation errors eqi, with i = 1,...,n.
Due to the convergence to zero of the orientation errors is independent of the tracking errors, and under the condition that the desired orientation for all mobile robots is the same, that is qid = qd, and ωid = ωd, the system (44)-(45) can be written as the following subsystem
where \(C = \cos \limits (q_{d}), \ S = \sin \limits (q_{d})\), with i = 1, 2, 3. Although (47)-(48) is a time-varying linear system, in this particular case, it is possible to use a globally defined change of coordinates to obtain an equivalent time-invariant system, [36]. The new state variables are given by
with i = 1,...,n. Geometrically, eli and epi are the tracking error on the Xi and Yi axes, of the mobile reference frame of the i th robot, respectively. Thus, the tracking errors dynamics on the Xi and Yi axes of the i th mobile robot is given by
with i = 1, 2, 3. Taking the Lyapunov function candidate given by
with n = 3, it can be easily seen that the derivate with respect to time of V (eli,epi) is given by
where SG is given by (32). Since SG is a positive definite matrix, according to (33), \(\dot {V}(e_{li}, e_{pi})\) is negative definite. However, due to the terms epi are not presented in \(\dot {V}\), guaranteeing that \(\dot {V}\) is negative definite implies that the system (51) is only stable.
Note that \(\ddot {V}(e_{l},e_{p})\) is bounded, due to Assumption 2 is satisfied; hence \(\dot {V}(e_{l},e_{p})\) is uniformly continuous. Considering Barbalat’s lemma [37], yields \(\dot {V_{3}}(e_{l},e_{p}) \rightarrow 0\) as \(t \rightarrow \infty \) and consequently \(e_{li} \rightarrow 0\) with i = 1, 2, 3. From the first third equations of (51) and under the assumption that ωd≠ 0, it is clear that \(e_{pi} \rightarrow 0\), therefore the tracking errors of all mobile robots converge to zero. Hence, the origin of the system (44)-(46) is asymptotically stable.
Finally, due to SG matrix is nonsingular, guaranteeing that exi,eyi converge to zero implies that Δxi,Δyi converge to zero as well. In a similar manner, since K matrix is nonsingular (16), also the cluster error vector (24) converge asymptotically to zero. \(\blacksquare \)
Appendix B: Proof of lemma 2
By using a methodology similar to lemma 1, under the condition that all robots orientations are different each other, after a transient, the system (44)-(46) can be reduced to the time-varying linear subsystem given by
with i = 1, 2, 3. The previous functions satisfy
The gi(t) functions are continuously differentiable and from Assumption 2, their time derivatives satisfy
with i = 1, 2, 3. Consider the robots tracking errors vector given as e = [ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2,ex3,ey3]T, and the Lyapunov function candidate given by
It can be easily seen that
Hence, V (t,e) is positive definite, decrescent, and radially unbounded [37]. The derivative of V (t,e) along the trajectories of the system is given by
In order to guarantee that \(\dot {V}(t,e)\) is negative definite, the following inequality must be satisfied
where W3(e) is a time-invariant positive definite function. Substituting (54) and (55) into (61), and using the lower limits of the inequalities (57) and (58), yields
where Q3 =
with n = 3. Note that, the required Q3 matrix for n = 2 is the one which is composed of the last 4 columns and 4 rows of (63). In order to obtain a time-invariant positive definite function (W3(e)), the Q3 matrix must be positive definite. Thus, it is necessary to analyzed the properties of Q3 to present the corresponding interval of the gains which compose Q3.
Again, if \(\bar {\mu }= \bar {\beta } = 0\) implies that a synchonization among the mobile robots is not required, obtaining 3 uncoupled systems. Due to ωmax is a parameter that depends on the desired trajectory, it is easy to assign a large enough value to ωmax in order to guarantee that Q3 is positive definite. Actually, the ωmax parameter provides the convergence speed of the system [37].
From the second principal minor of Q3 matrix, in order to guarantee that its determinant is positive, the following inequality must be satisfied
Hence, to omit the ωmax parameter, take into account the following assignation
with μ = β (33), where L > 1 is a scaling factor, which cannot be so large due to it is just required for satisfying the inequality in (64). Notice that Q3 is a symmetric matrix composed of the gains \(k, \mu , \beta \in \mathbb {R}^{+}\), \(\bar {\mu } = \bar {\beta } \neq 0\), then the eigenvalues of Q3 are all real values. Taking into account (33) and (65), the eigenvalues of Q3 are given by
The solution that satisfies that all eigenvalues of Q3 are positive, taking \(\bar {\beta }>0\), is
Otherwise, taking \(\bar {\beta }<0\), there are 2 solution intervals that satisfy that all eigenvalues of Q3 are positive, due to the less interval depends on the parameter L, those are
As was mentioned, it is required that L is large enough to satisfy (18), thereby the interval with L ≥ 3 is neglected.
In order to consider positive and negative values to the \(\bar {\beta }\) gain and to guarantee that Q3 matrix is positive definite, it is necessary to take the union of the intervals (67) with (68) considering L ≤ 3, that is
In a similar manner to \(\bar {\mu }\). The SG matrix can be positive definite by following the inequality given in (33). Therefore, using L = 2 in the solution for the time-varying case in (69), the solution interval is given by
So, considering L = 2 is a proper assignation. By doing a similar procedure for the time-varying system, with n = 2, the solution interval is given by
The result of the time-invariant system, with n = 2, is given by
Again, considering L = 2 is a proper assignation.
With this result it can be concluded that there is a solution, by choosing proper values of the gains \(k, \mu , \beta , \bar {\mu }, \bar {\beta }\), and the parameter ωmax, which makes that Q3 is a positive definite matrix. Hence, the origin of the system (44)-(46) is asymptotically stable.
Finally, due to SG matrix is nonsingular, the robots synchronization errors (31) asymptotically converge to zero as well. Since K matrix is nonsingular (16), also the cluster error vector (24) converge asymptotically to zero. \(\blacksquare \)
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Arteaga-Escamilla, C.M., Castro-Linares, R. & Álvarez-Gallegos, J. Synchronization Approach to Formation Control of Mobile Robots from the Cluster Space Perspective. J Intell Robot Syst 103, 56 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-021-01495-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-021-01495-y