With the development of Autonomous Marine Vehicles, research on real-time health monitoring based on data from remote monitoring and shore-based control center has attracted more and more attention. However, the feature extraction capability of each local client model is limited by the size and quality of data collected by remote monitoring. For clients with zero-shot, it is necessary to design an efficient federated learning framework which allows shore-based federation center with few-shot help to strengthen the feature extraction capability of clients. In this paper, a semi-supervised federated learning strategy based on adaptive learning mechanism of prototype points is proposed to solve the problem that clients with zero-shot have difficulty in establishing reliable fault diagnosis models when the quality of client data is inhomogeneous. By designing an adaptive prototypical network learning mechanism driven by sample quality and a dynamic in-and-out mechanism for local pseudo-labeled dataset, the few-shot learning capability of federation center as well as the reliability of local client’s prototype points are enhanced to alleviate the impact of unreliable pseudo-label on semi-supervised learning. The experiment validation on the rolling bearing dataset provided by Case Western Reserve University can come to an accuracy increasement of 13.12%, which indicates that the proposed Adpro-SSFL outperforms existed semi-supervised federated learning method when data suffered by high missing rate due to the interference of external factors on the signal acquisition sensor.
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The rolling bearing dataset is available for download from the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Bearing Data Center Website at https://engineering.case.edu/bearingdatacenter/welcome [51]. The authors would like to thank Case Western Reserve University for providing bearing vibration data.
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The authors would like to thank Case Western Reserve University for
providing bearing vibration data.
This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant numbers 62073213 and 52,205,111).
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Zhou, F., Xu, W., Wang, C. et al. A Semi-Supervised Federated Learning Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Adaptive Class Prototype Points for Data Suffered by High Missing Rate. J Intell Robot Syst 109, 93 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-023-02025-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-023-02025-8