High-quality image inpainting methods based on nonlinear higher-order partial differential equations have been developed in the last few years. These methods are iterative by nature, with a time variable serving as iteration parameter. For reasons of stability a large number of iterations can be needed which results in a computational complexity that is often too large for interactive image manipulation.
Based on a detailed analysis of stationary first order transport equations the current paper develops a fast noniterative method for image inpainting. It traverses the inpainting domain by the fast marching method just once while transporting, along the way, image values in a coherence direction robustly estimated by means of the structure tensor. Depending on a measure of coherence strength the method switches continuously between diffusion and directional transport. It satisfies a comparison principle. Experiments with the inpainting of gray tone and color images show that the novel algorithm meets the high level of quality of the methods of Bertalmio et al. (SIG-GRAPH ’00: Proc. 27th Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, New Orleans, ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, New York, pp. 417–424, 2000), Masnou (IEEE Trans. Image Process. 11(2):68–76, 2002), and Tschumperlé (Int. J. Comput. Vis. 68(1):65–82, 2006), while being faster by at least an order of magnitude.
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Bornemann, F., März, T. Fast Image Inpainting Based on Coherence Transport. J Math Imaging Vis 28, 259–278 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-007-0017-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-007-0017-6