Images recognition require an extraction technique of feature vectors of these images. These vectors must be invariant to the three geometric transformations: rotation, translation and scaling. In this context, there are several authors who used the theory of orthogonal moments, which are become an indispensable tool in a wide range of pattern recognition applications. In this paper, we generalize the notions of orthogonality and orthogonal moments by introducing the property «p-orthogonality» and «p-orthogonal moments». We show that a p-orthogonal set of functions is composed of p orthogonal subsets. We prove that the set of linear shape functions or hat functions, used in the finite element method (FEM), is 2-orthogonal. Based in these functions we present four types of moments: the set of 2-orthogonal radial shape moments (2ORSMs), the set of orthogonal radial shape moments (1ORSMs) for gray-level images, the set of multi-channel 2-orthogonal radial shape moments (2MRSMs) and the set of multi-channel orthogonal radial shape moments (1MRSMs) for color images. Invariants to translation, scaling and rotation (TSR) of the four proposed moments are derived for image representation and recognition. We present a set of numerical experiments in the field of classification and pattern recognition to evaluate the performance of the proposed invariant moments. From a comparative study with the recent invariant moments, we conclude that our approach is very promising in the pattern recognition field and image analysis.

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Hjouji, A., EL-Mekkaoui, J. The 2-Orthogonal and Orthogonal Radial Shape Moments for Image Representation and Recognition. J Math Imaging Vis 65, 277–301 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-022-01113-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-022-01113-y