In this paper, we propose a novel model for the decomposition of cartoon–texture images, which integrates the edge-aware weighted least squares (WLS) with low-rank regularization. Unlike conventional methodologies that depend on total variation-based penalty functions, our model represents cartoon images using an edge-preserving WLS penalty. This approach effectively enhances edges and suppresses texture through iterative updates of an edge-preserving weight matrix. For the texture component, we introduce a low-rank penalty function to capture the structured regularity of texture patterns. By leveraging the repetitive nature of texture, our low-rank models can accurately represent these components. We employ a prediction–correction approach based on a three-block separable alternating direction multiplier method to solve the minimization problem, providing closed-form solutions for all subproblems. We also provide a convergence proof for the proposed algorithm. Numerical experiments validate the efficacy of our proposed method in successfully separating cartoon and texture components while preserving edges.

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This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12361089); the Scientific Research Fund Project of Yunnan Provincial Education Department (Grant No. 2024J0642); and Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects (Grant No. 202401AU070104).
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Kexin Li and You-wei Wen wrote the main manuscript text; Raymond. H Chan revised and improved the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Li, K., Wen, Yw. & Chan, R.H. Cartoon–Texture Image Decomposition Using Least Squares and Low-Rank Regularization. J Math Imaging Vis 67, 5 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-024-01216-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-024-01216-8