We develop an integrated dynamic programming—linear programming (LP) model to solve for optimal land exploitation for a given crop. The model applies deficit irrigation in order to increase the irrigated area at the expense of reducing the crop yield per unit area. The dynamic program guarantees that deficit irrigation is considered only when it is economically efficient. Moreover, it provides the best irrigation level for each growth stage of the crop, accounting for the varying impact of water stress overtime. The LP provides the best tradeoff between expanding the irrigated area and decreasing water share per hectare. The model objective is to maximize the total expected crop yield. The model is particularly applicable for regions suffering from irrigation water scarcity, such as Saudi Arabia. The implementation was made for crops in Al-Jouf Region, north of Saudi Arabia
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Azaiez, M.N. Modeling Optimal Allocation of Deficit Irrigation: Application to Crop Production in Saudi Arabia. J Math Model Algor 7, 277–289 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10852-008-9085-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10852-008-9085-x