The bi-objective minimum diameter-cost spanning tree problem (bi-MDCST) seeks spanning trees with minimum total cost and minimum diameter. The bi-objective version generalizes the well-known bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem. The bi-MDCST is a NP-hard problem and models several practical applications in transportation and network design. We propose a bi-objective multiflow formulation for the problem and effective multi-objective metaheuristics: a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and a fast nondominated sorting genetic algorithm. Some guidelines on how to optimize the problem whenever a priority order can be established between the two objectives are provided. In addition, we present bi-MDCST polynomial cases and theoretical bounds on the search space. Results are reported for four representative test sets.
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Santos, A.C., Lima, D.R. & Aloise, D.J. Modeling and solving the bi-objective minimum diameter-cost spanning tree problem. J Glob Optim 60, 195–216 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-013-0124-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-013-0124-4