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The authors thank all the reviewers for their suggestions and comments that have greatly improved the quality of the paper. The first author is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11871081), the second author is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2022A1515010900), and partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. U1811461), the third author is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12171168), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (Grant No. 2020A1515010489) and Guangdong Province Higher Education Foundation (Grant No. 2021ZDZX1071), the fourth author is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12131004), the fifth author is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant 06446, the last author is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.11871280).
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In this appendix, we present a detailed proof of Lemma 5. As defined in Sect. 3.2, let \(\lambda =\sum \limits _{i<k\in S_j}\mathrm{Re}(Y_{ik})\) and \(N_{|S_j|}=\frac{|S_j|(|S_j|-1)}{2}\). Since
thus \(\frac{-|S_j|}{2}\le \lambda \le N_{|S_j|}\).
Based on the range of \(\lambda \), we can construct a new form for z in (4):
Lemma 9
Consider the third constraint of (4):
If \(-|S_j|/2\le \lambda \le (|S_j|-3)(|S_j|-1)/2\), then \([1/(|S_j|-1)]\sum _{i<k}2(1-\mathrm{Re}(Y_{ik}))/3\ge 1\), implying that \(z=1\). Otherwise, \([1/(|S_j|-1)]\sum _{i<k}2(1-\mathrm{Re}(Y_{ik}))/3\le 1\), implying that \(z=2(N_{|S_j|}-\lambda )/3(|S_j|-1)\). \(\square \)
Proof of Lemma 5
Let \((Y^{*},x^{*},z^{*})\) be an optimal solution of (4). If \(Y^{*}_{ik}<\beta \) for some \(i<k\in S_j\), then according to the first constraint of (4), we have that:
Otherwise \(Y^{*}_{ik}\ge \beta \), \(\forall i<k,\) implying that \(Y^{*}\) is feasible to (5) for some \(\lambda (Y^{*})\in [-|S|/2,N_{|S_j|}]\). From the second constraint of (4), we have that:
\(\square \)
If we can choose a suitable \(\beta \in [-0.5,1)\) for a give \(\theta \in (0,1]\) such that \(2(1-f(\theta \beta ))/3\) and \(\gamma ^{*}_{\theta ,\beta }\) are numerically close, then we will obtain a good lower bound for \(\alpha _{|S|}\). Note that \(2(1-f(\theta \beta ))/3\) is easy to compute for any given \(\theta \) and \(\beta \). Thus our main attention is to eliminate the dependence of \(\gamma ^{*}_{\theta ,\beta }\) on Y.
By observing the structure of \(\gamma ^{*}_{\theta ,\beta }\), it can be derived that the key is to construct the analytic form of \(q(\lambda ,\theta ,\beta )\) defined in (5). In the following, we will consider the structural feature of (5).
Lemma 10
There exists a minimal solution \(Y^{*}\) of (5) such that every variable \(Y^{*}_{ik}\) takes one of the three values, \(\{\beta , \nu ,1\}\).
For every optimal solution \(Y^{*}\) of (5), each variable \(Y^{*}_{ik}\) may take the value \(\beta \), 1, or some value in \((\beta ,1)\). Note that if \(Y^{*}_{ik}\) takes value in \((\beta ,1)\), it must satisfy the KKT condition, which means there is a Lagrange multiplier \(\mu \) for the first constraint of (5) such that every interior \(Y^{*}_{ik}\) satisfies:
Since \(f^{\prime }\) is a monotone increasing function, thus the above equation has a unique solution. \(\square \)
Define a mixed integer and continuous function:
Lemma 11
For any \(\lambda \in [-|S|/2,N_{|S_j|})\), there exist two non-negative integers \(\bar{N}(\lambda )\) and \(\underline{N}(\lambda )\), such that
\(\bar{N}(\lambda )+\underline{N}(\lambda )\le N_{|S_j|}-1\);
\(N_{|S_j|}\beta +\bar{N}(\lambda )(1-\beta )\le \lambda \le N_{|S_j|}-\underline{N}(\lambda )(1-\beta )\);
The minimum value of (5) \(q(\lambda ,\beta ,\theta )=q_{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda ,\bar{N}(\lambda ),\underline{N}(\lambda )).\)
Suppose that in the optimal solution of program (5), the numbers of variables \(\mathrm{Re}(Y_{ik}^{*})\) with value 1 and \(\beta \) are denoted by \(\bar{N}^{\prime }\) and \(\underline{N}^{\prime }\), respectively. It can be derived that \(\bar{N}^{\prime }\) and \(\underline{N}^{\prime }\) are both nonnegative and \(\bar{N}^{\prime }+\underline{N}^{\prime }\le N_{|S_j|}\).
If \(\bar{N}^{\prime }+\underline{N}^{\prime }=N_{|S_j|}\), then \(\lambda <N_{|S_j|}\) implies that \(\bar{N}^{\prime }<N_{|S_j|}\) and \(\underline{N}^{\prime }\ge 1\). Let
such that \(\bar{N}(\lambda )+\underline{N}(\lambda )\le N_{|S_j|}-1\). Then \(N_{|S_j|}-\bar{N}(\lambda )-\underline{N}(\lambda )=1\) holds. In addition, it can be obtained from the linear constraint of the program (5) that
Thus, the optimum value of program (5) is
If \(\bar{N}^{\prime }+\underline{N}^{\prime }<N_{|S_j|}\), then according to Lemma 10, all the variables \(\mathrm{Re}(Y_{ik}^{*})\) equal to
Now, let
such that \(\bar{N}(\lambda )+\underline{N}(\lambda )\le N_{|S_j|}-1\). Thus the optimal value function of program (5) an also be expressed as
(i) and (iii) have been proved. In order to prove (ii), we notice that it happens in both cases
Thus \(N_{|S_j|}\beta +\bar{N}(\lambda )(1-\beta )\le \lambda \le N_{|S_j|}-\underline{N}(\lambda )(1-\beta )\). \(\square \)
For a given pair of nonnegative integers \(\bar{N}\) and \(\underline{N}\), define a one-dimensional minimization problem
Corollary 3
There is a pair of nonnegative integers \(\bar{N}^{*}\) and \(\underline{N}^{*}\), such that \(\bar{N}^{*}+\underline{N}^{*}\le N_{|S_j|}-1\) and \(\gamma ^{*}_{\theta ,\beta }\ge \gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\).
Let \(\lambda ^{*}\) denote the optimal solution of (6), i.e. \(\gamma ^{*}_{\theta ,\beta }=\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda ^{*})\). According to Lemma 11, there exists a pair of nonnegative integers \(\bar{N}^{*}:=\bar{N}(\lambda ^{*})\) and \(\underline{N}^{*}:=\underline{N}(\lambda ^{*})\), such that:
By the definition of \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda ,\bar{N},\underline{N})\) and \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\bar{N},\underline{N})\), we get \(\gamma ^{*}_{\theta ,\beta }\ge \gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\). \(\square \)
When we do not know \(\bar{N}^{*}\) and \(\underline{N}^{*}\), we can enumerate all possible pairs of nonnegative integers (\(\bar{N}^{*}\), \(\underline{N}^{*}\)) with \(\bar{N}^{*}+\underline{N}^{*}\le N_{|S_j|}-1\). Without loss of generality, suppose that \(\bar{N}^{*}\) and \(\underline{N}^{*}\) are known. Then the minimization problem (6) can be reduced to an easier problem (25). For each pair (\(\bar{N}^{*}\), \(\underline{N}^{*}\)), we solve (25) to obtain \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\). Then we select \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\) among all candidate pairs as
For any fixed pair (\(\bar{N}^{*}\), \(\underline{N}^{*}\)), we can solve (25) straightforwardly. If \(\lambda ^{*}\in [-|S_j|/2,(|S_j|-3)(|S_j|-1)/2]\), then
Note that \(q_{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda ,\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\) is decreasing in \(\lambda \), implying the same for \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda ,\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\). Thus \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda ,\bar{N}^{*},\underline{N}^{*})\) obtains its minimum value at the upper limit of \(\lambda ^{*}\), i.e.,
If \(\lambda ^{*}\in [(|S_j|-3)(|S_j|-1)/2,N_{|S_j|})\), we have that:
Note that \(A,B\ge 1\). Therefore, minimizing \(\gamma _{\theta ,\beta }(\lambda )\) over \(\lambda \in [N_{|S_j|}\beta +\bar{N}(\lambda )(1-\beta ), N_{|S_j|}-\underline{N}(\lambda )(1-\beta )]\cap [(|S_j|-3)(|S_j|-1)/2,N_{|S_j|})\) is equivalent to minimizing h(x) over
Thus h(x) can be calculated numerically.
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Sun, J., Zhang, ZB., Chen, Y. et al. A maximum hypergraph 3-cut problem with limited unbalance: approximation and analysis. J Glob Optim 87, 917–937 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-022-01183-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-022-01183-7