This paper considers the numerical solution of time-dependent linear convection–diffusion–reaction equations. We shall employ combinations of streamline-upwind Petrov–Galerkin and local projection stabilization methods in space with the higher order variational time discretization schemes. In particular, we consider time discretizations by discontinuous Galerkin methods and continuous Galerkin–Petrov methods. Several numerical tests have been performed to assess the accuracy of combinations of spatial and temporal discretization schemes. Furthermore, the dependence of the results on the stabilization parameters of the spatial discretizations are discussed. In addition, the long-time behavior of overshoots and undershoots is studied. The efficient solution of the obtained systems of linear equations by GMRES methods with multigrid preconditioners will be investigated.

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The authors like to thank the German research foundation (DFG) for supporting the research under the Grant MA 4713/2-1.
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Ahmed, N., Matthies, G. Numerical Study of SUPG and LPS Methods Combined with Higher Order Variational Time Discretization Schemes Applied to Time-Dependent Linear Convection–Diffusion–Reaction Equations. J Sci Comput 67, 988–1018 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-015-0115-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-015-0115-3
- Stabilized finite elements
- Discontinuous Galerkin
- Continuous Galerkin–Petrov
- Transient convection–diffusion–reaction equations