In this work, we extend the Fast and Optimized Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (FOWENO) schemes for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. Fast WENO methods were introduced with the goal of reducing computational costs for the smoothness indicators calculations. Whereas, Optimal WENO schemes were developed to increase the accuracy of the approximation near critical points. Here, both techniques are adapted for degenerate parabolic conservative laws obtaining: FOWENO34 and FOWENO56 reconstructions, where the first and second digit represent the order of approximation for the convective and diffusive flux, respectively. By considering a SSP Runge-Kutta method for the time discretization, an experimental analysis is carried out in order to show the efficiency and accuracy of FOWENO approximations for one and two-dimensional parabolic problems with degenerate diffusion.
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This work was supported by CONACyT (México) (Project No. CB-2016 286437).
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WENO34 and WENO56 Reconstructions
WENO34 and WENO56 Reconstructions
Here, we develop WENO reconstructions for the fluxes \({\hat{f}}_{i+1/2}\), \({\hat{K}}_{i+1/2}\) and for the subfluxes \({\hat{f}}^{m_1}_{i+1/2}\), \({\hat{K}}^{m_2}_{i+1/2}\) defined in (8) associated to the stencils \(S_f\) and \(S_K\) proposed in (5) for \(r=1,2\).
Let us start for the case \(r=1\) where the stencils are
and the substencils are
for \(m_1=0,1\) and \(m_2=0,1,2.\) Using the values \(f(u_{i-1}),f(u_{i}),f(u_{i+1})\), we approximate \(f(u_{i+1/2})\) constructing a quadratic polynomial q(x). Obtaining
Analogously, we calculate polynomials \(q^0(x)\) and \(q^1(x)\) by considering values \(f(u_{i-1}),f(u_{i})\) and \(f(u_{i}),f(u_{i+1})\), respectively. Thus,
Notice that \({\hat{f}}_{i+1/2}=\frac{1}{3}{\hat{f}}^0_{i+1/2}+\frac{2}{3}{\hat{f}}^1_{i+1/2}\) which is according to Table 1. Now the WENO reconstruction for the convective flux is
where \(\omega _0^f\), \(\omega _1^f\) are defined in (9). For the diffusive flux, we get
In a similar way, using the points \(\{K_{i-1+m_2},K_{i+m_2}\}\) with \(m_2=0,1,2\), we get the polynomials \(p^0(x)\), \(p^1(x)\) and \(p^2(x)\) satisfying
It is easy to show that \(c_0^K=-1/12,c_1^K=7/6,c_2^K=-1/12\). Therefore,
Following the steps described in Section 2.1, we have \(\sigma ^+ =\frac{5}{2}\) and \(\sigma ^- =\frac{3}{2}\). So, the positive and negative weights are
Now we compute the nonlinear weights which are given by
where \(\omega ^+_{m_2}\) and \(\omega ^-_{m_2}\) are defined in (12). Finally, the reconstruction for the diffusive flux is
For the case \(r=2\), we have
Using the same procedure for the case \(r=1\), we get
Considering \( S^{m_1}_f=\{x_{i-2+m_1},x_{i-1+m_1},x_{i+m_1}\}\) for \(m_1=0,1,2\), we compute the fluxes
and the WENO reconstruction for the convective flux is obtained substituting into equation (7) for \({\hat{f}}_{i+1/2}\) and \(\omega _{m_1}^f\) defined in (9). For the diffusive flux, we consider the substencil
for \(m_2=0,1,2\) and we get
The corresponding linear weights satisfy
and to calculate the nonlinear weights, we have \(\sigma ^+ =\frac{42}{15}\) and \(\sigma ^- =\frac{27}{15}\). Thus, the positive and negative weights are
Finally the non-linear weights are obtained by
with \(\omega ^+_m\) and \(\omega ^-_m\) given in (12), and the WENO reconstruction is written of the form
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Diaz-Adame, R., Jerez, S. & Carrillo, H. Fast and Optimal WENO Schemes for Degenerate Parabolic Conservation Laws. J Sci Comput 90, 22 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-021-01689-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-021-01689-4
- Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) methods
- Parabolic conservation laws
- Degenerate diffusion
- Optimized weights