The benefits of stereoscopic vision in medical applications were appreciated and have been thoroughly studied for more than a century. The usage of the stereoscopic displays has a proven positive impact on performance in various medical tasks. At the same time the market of 3D-enabled technologies is blooming. New high resolution stereo cameras, TVs, projectors, monitors, and head mounted displays become available. This equipment, completed with a corresponding application program interface (API), could be relatively easy implemented in a system. Such complexes could open new possibilities for medical applications exploiting the stereoscopic depth. This work proposes a tool for production of interactive stereoscopic graphical user interfaces, which could represent a software layer for web-based medical systems facilitating the stereoscopic effect. Further the tool’s operation mode and the results of the conducted subjective and objective performance tests will be exposed.





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Chistyakov, A., Soto, M.T., Martí, E. et al. An HTML Tool for Production of Interactive Stereoscopic Compositions. J Med Syst 40, 265 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-016-0616-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-016-0616-0