The development of autonomous vehicles brings new challenges for vehicle electronics as well as in-vehicle network (IVN) design. Functional safety is the uttermost requirement of future vehicles, which requires an exchange of a copious amount of safety-critical data through the in-vehicle network (IVN). To meet the high-reliability requirements of future vehicle applications in IVN, IEEE time-sensitive networking (TSN) proposes an active redundancy-based fault-tolerant mechanism called frame replication and elimination for reliability (FRER) in IEEE 802.1CB standard. In FRER, safety-critical data is transmitted via multiple disjoint paths between source and destination. In case one path fails, the safety-critical data can still be delivered to the destination via another path. The main drawback of FRER is that it is over-utilizing the available bandwidth of the network, which in turn reduces the number of schedulable flows. In this paper, the XOR network coding (XNC) technique is proposed as a new efficient spatial redundancy-based fault-tolerant mechanism for IVN. This work considered the strict time-scheduled transmissions for XNC and FRER. In this regard, three different dynamic scheduling and routing heuristics are developed and integrated with XNC techniques to increase the number of schedulable flows without degrading the reliability of the network. The experimental results show the efficacy of the XNC-Bottleneck heuristic which schedules almost \(8.5\%\) more flows in fix-time scheduling of the disjoint paths and \(20\%\) more flows in variable-time scheduling of the disjoint paths as compared to the FRER-Bottleneck heuristic.

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This work was partially funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the KI-PRO project with Funding Code FKZ:16ES1004.
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Ammad Ali Syed, Serkan Ayaz and Tim Leinmüller are the inventors of the patent application which has been filed by DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH on this topic.
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Syed, A.A., Ayaz, S., Leinmüller, T. et al. Network Coding Based Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Scheduling and Routing for In-Vehicle Networks. J Netw Syst Manage 31, 27 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-022-09719-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-022-09719-8