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An Optimal Trading Rule Under a Switchable Mean-Reversion Model

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Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


This work provides an optimal trading rule that allows buying and selling an asset sequentially over time. The asset price follows a switchable mean-reversion model with a Markovian jump. Such a model can be applied to assets with a “staircase” price behavior and yet is simple enough to allow an analytic solution. The objective is to determine a sequence of trading times to maximize an overall return. The corresponding value functions are characterized by a set of quasi-variational inequalities. A closed-form solution is obtained under suitable conditions. The sequence of trading times can be given in terms of a set of threshold levels. Finally, numerical examples are given to demonstrate the results.

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We are very grateful to the two referees and the editors for many valuable comments and suggestions, which led to improvements of the paper.

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Nguyen, D., Tie, J. & Zhang, Q. An Optimal Trading Rule Under a Switchable Mean-Reversion Model. J Optim Theory Appl 161, 145–163 (2014).

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