By using some new developments in the theory of equilibrium problems, we study the existence of anti-periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations associated with time-dependent pseudomonotone and quasimonotone operators in the topological sense. More precisely, we establish new existence results for mixed equilibrium problems associated with pseudomonotone and quasimonotone bifunctions in the topological sense. The results obtained are therefore applied to study the existence of anti-periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations in the setting of reflexive Banach spaces. This new approach leads us to improve and unify most of the recent results obtained in this direction.
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The authors are gratefully indebted to the anonymous referee for his/her insightful comments that improved the paper. The research part of the second author was done during his visit to King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
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Communicated by Nicolas Hadjisavvas.
In this research, Jen-Chih Yao was partially supported by the research Grant 103-2923-E-037-001-MY3 of National Science Council of Taiwan.
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Chadli, O., Ansari, Q.H. & Yao, JC. Mixed Equilibrium Problems and Anti-periodic Solutions for Nonlinear Evolution Equations. J Optim Theory Appl 168, 410–440 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-015-0707-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-015-0707-y
- Mixed equilibrium problems
- Evolution equations
- Anti-periodic solutions
- Maximal monotone operators
- Pseudomonotone operators
- Quasimonotone operators
- Nonmonotone perturbations