Recently, many philosophers have been inclined to ascribe mentality to animals (including some insects) on the main grounds that they possess certain complex computational abilities. In this paper I contend that this view is misleading, since it wrongly assumes that those computational abilities demand a psychological explanation. On the contrary, they can be just characterised from a computational level of explanation, which picks up a domain of computation and information processing that is common to many computing systems but is autonomous from the domain of psychology. Thus, I propose that it is possible to conceive insects and other animals as mere computing agents, without having any commitment to ascribe mentality to them. I conclude by sketching a proposal about how to draw the line between mere computing and genuine mentality.
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In addition to mental states that play a causal role in behaviour, the mind is normally understood as involving consciousness. But for the purposes of this paper—and following many philosophers persuaded by the computational theory of mind, I shall assume that consciousness is not essential to psychological explanation, and that important progress can be made on the nature of the mind without addressing the phenomenal character of mental states.
I believe it innocuous to describe symbolic structures at the computational level for two reasons. First, computational theory is inherently symbolic. Second, I adopt an informational approach to symbols according to which computational structures can in some way refer to environmental properties by virtue of carrying and using information about them, without necessarily having fully-fledged mental content. I explain these points in Sects. 4 and 5.1.
It has been proposed that associative conditioning can be accommodated within a computational framework. For example, Gallistel and Gibbon (2001) suggest that associative learning can be better explained in terms of computational operations such as extracting temporal regularities between information-bearing structures. If this is the case, associationist explanations would be part of the computational level. But insofar as they can be formulated without appeal to psychological notions, this approach is compatible with the argument put forward in this paper.
Of course, the Mars rovers receive instructions from earth. But since those instructions take some time to reach the rover, they are designed to carry out many tasks in a rather autonomous way, such as self-monitoring, navigating and making some decisions without human intervention.
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The author would like to thank Stephen Laurence, Dominic Gregory, Asa Cusack and anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
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Aguilera, B. Behavioural Explanation in the Realm of Non-mental Computing Agents. Minds & Machines 25, 37–56 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-015-9362-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-015-9362-1