Main memory dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) has been proposed recently for improving energy efficiency further. However, recent work overlook the operating systems (OS) problems incurred by it, such as unpredictable performance decreasing, unfair performance sharing and priority inversion, which may render performance analysis, optimization and isolation extremely difficult. In this paper, we analyze the OS problems incurred by memory DVFS in detail firstly, and propose dynamic time-slice scaling (DTS) to address these problems, where allocating each thread a time-slice according to threads’ memory accessing behavior and memory frequency. Our paper has three main contributions: 1) we analyze the OS problems incurred by the newly approach of memory active low-power modes, the first work paying attention to the effect of up-to-date DVFS memory architecture; 2) performance decrease is more predictable and share is more fairness through adjusting time-slice; 3) priority inversion is solved with starvation forbidden. Simulation results show that the proposed methods can substantially reduce unpredictable performance degradation, improve fairness of performance sharing and solve the priority inversion.

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This work was supported by Qing Lan Project, the National Science Foundation of China under grants (No. 61272131, No. 61202053, No. 61003077, No. 61100193). Zhejiang provincial Natural Science Foundation (No. LQ14F020011). Jiangsu provincial Natural Science Foundation (No. SBK201240198) and Jiangsu production-teaching-research joint innovation project (No.BY2009128).
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Jia, G., Han, G., Jiang, J. et al. Dynamic Time-slice Scaling for Addressing OS Problems Incurred by Main Memory DVFS in Intelligent System. Mobile Netw Appl 20, 157–168 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-015-0587-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-015-0587-2