With the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, new-generation mobile communication, etc., digital transformation is changing the technical architecture of IT systems. It brings more requirements for performance and reliability. The traditional human-dependent development and maintenance methods are overwhelmed, and need to transform to Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps). As one of the most useful data resources in IT system, the log plays an important role in AIOps. There are many research on enhancing log quality, analyzing log structure, understanding system behavior, helping users to mine the effective information in logs. Based on the characteristics of logs and different strategies, this paper reviews and categorizes the existing works around the three key processes in the log processing framework of log enhancement, log parsing, and log analysis in academia, and establishes evaluation indicators for comparison and summary. Finally, we discussed the potential directions and future development trends.

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This work is supported by Special Pro- ject of Ministry of Science and Technology of China on Innovation Method (Grant No. 2019IM020100), Strategic Priority Research Program ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.XDC02070200), and the STS (Science and Technology Service Network) Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant No. KFJ-STS-QYZD-2021-11-001).
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Zhaoxue, J., Tong, L., Zhenguo, Z. et al. A Survey On Log Research Of AIOps: Methods and Trends. Mobile Netw Appl 26, 2353–2364 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-021-01832-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-021-01832-3