Querying live media streams is a challenging problem that is becoming an essential requirement in a growing number of applications. Research in multimedia information systems has addressed and made good progress in dealing with archived data. Meanwhile, research in stream databases has received significant attention for querying alphanumeric symbolic streams. The lack of a data model capable of representing different multimedia data in a declarative way, hiding the media heterogeneity and providing reasonable abstractions for querying live multimedia streams poses the challenge of how to make the best use of data in video, audio and other media sources for various applications. In this paper we propose a system that enables directly capturing media streams from sensors and automatically generating more meaningful feature streams that can be queried by a data stream processor. The system provides an effective combination between extendible digital processing techniques and general data stream management research. Together with other query techniques developed in related data stream management streams, our system can be used in those application areas where multifarious live media senors are deployed for surveillance, disaster response, live conferencing, telepresence, etc.
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Liu, B., Gupta, A. & Jain, R. MedSMan: a live multimedia stream querying system. Multimed Tools Appl 38, 209–232 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-007-0177-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-007-0177-9