Universal Multimedia Access aims at providing a gratifying end user-experience by either adapting the content, be it static or dynamic, to suit the usage environment or adapting the usage environment, be it client- or server-centric, to suit content. This paper presents our MPEG-21 Dynamic Content Adaptation Framework, acronym DCAF, which uses a fusion of Genetic Algorithms and Strength Pareto Optimality to adapt content in order to suit the usage environment.

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1.1 Table of abbreviations
- ADE:
Adaptation Decision Engine
- AO:
Adaptation Operation
- AP:
Adaptation Policy
- APB:
Adaptation Policy Binding
- AQoS:
Adaptation Quality of Service
- BSD:
Bit-stream Syntax Description
- DI:
Digital Item
- DIA:
Digital Item Adaptation
- GA(s):
Genetic Algorithm(s)
- IOPin:
Input Output Pin
- MOP:
Multi Objective\Optimisation Problem
Moving Pictures Experts Group
- PO:
Pareto Optimality
Peak signal-to-noise ratio
- QoS:
Quality of Service
- RAE:
Resource Adaptation Engine
- ROI:
Region of Interest
- UCD:
Universal Constraints Description
- UED:
Usage Environment Description
- UMA:
Universal Multimedia Access
Dynamic Content Adaptation Framework
- FDV:
Full Decision Vector
- MDV:
Minimum Decision Vector
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Sofokleous, A.A., Angelides, M.C. DCAF: An MPEG-21 Dynamic Content Adaptation Framework. Multimed Tools Appl 40, 151–182 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-008-0198-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-008-0198-z