Social network communities are involving millions of users, representing one of the main reasons why people log on the Internet from their home computers. Part of this success is certainly due to the possibility for end users to reverse the traditional publisher/consumer model, achieving control over service consumption, and gaining the opportunity to produce multimedia contents instantaneously available worldwide. Social network communities are not destined to be confined in traditional wired networks. Indeed, mobile users could greatly benefit from applications that combine social networks and location-based multimedia services. It is hence of particular interest to consider the next frontier in wireless networking, i.e., vehicular networks, and imagine how community-based services could be provided in this highly variable context, enabling the sprouting of communities on the road. To this aim, we address here one of the specific challenges in this scenario, i.e., the fast delivery of service triggering messages generated by a user to a certain area where another user can provide the requested multimedia service (e.g., live video streaming, traffic updates, friends finder, status messages of social network applications). We discuss the state-of-art for this technical challenge and compare it against our solution, which is able to dynamically adapt to different transmission conditions as those featuring a vehicular network. In essence, the main innovation of our contribution amounts to a transmission range estimator that enables vehicles to know their current transmission range, independently from changes in the vehicular network topology, and use it to maximize the efficiency in transmitting service-triggering messages.
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We feel indebted towards the anonymous referees, whose insightful comments and suggestions greatly helped us in improving the final version of this manuscript.
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Palazzi, C.E., Ferretti, S. & Roccetti, M. Communities on the road: fast triggering of interactive multimedia services. Multimed Tools Appl 44, 229–247 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-009-0292-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-009-0292-x