The availability of new techniques and tools for Video Surveillance and the capability of storing huge amounts of visual data acquired by hundreds of cameras every day call for a convergence between pattern recognition, computer vision and multimedia paradigms. A clear need for this convergence is shown by new research projects which attempt to exploit both ontology-based retrieval and video analysis techniques also in the field of surveillance. This paper presents the ViSOR (Video Surveillance Online Repository) framework, designed with the aim of establishing an open platform for collecting, annotating, retrieving, and sharing surveillance videos, as well as evaluating the performance of automatic surveillance systems. Annotations are based on a reference ontology which has been defined integrating hundreds of concepts, some of them coming from the LSCOM and MediaMill ontologies. A new annotation classification schema is also provided, which is aimed at identifying the spatial, temporal and domain detail level used. The ViSOR web interface allows video browsing, querying by annotated concepts or by keywords, compressed video previewing, media downloading and uploading. Finally, ViSOR includes a performance evaluation desk which can be used to compare different annotations.
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This work is supported by the project VIDI-Video (Interactive semantic video search with a large thesaurus of machine-learned audio-visual concepts), funded by E.C. FP6.
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Vezzani, R., Cucchiara, R. Video Surveillance Online Repository (ViSOR): an integrated framework. Multimed Tools Appl 50, 359–380 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-009-0402-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-009-0402-9