Detecting events of interest from video sequences, and searching and retrieving events from video databases are important and challenging problems. Event of interest is a very general term, since events of interest can vary significantly among different applications and users. A system that can only detect and/or retrieve a finite set of predefined events will find limited use. Thus, the event detection and retrieval problems introduce additional challenges including providing the user with flexibility to specify customized events with varying complexity, and communicating user-defined events to a system in a generic way. This paper presents a spatio-temporal event detection system that lets users specify semantically high-level and composite events, and then detects their occurrences automatically. Events can be defined on a single camera view or across multiple camera views. In addition to extracting information from videos, detecting customized events, and generating real-time alerts, the proposed system uses the extracted information in the search, retrieval, data management and investigation context. Generated event meta-data is mapped into tables in a relational database against which queries may be launched. It is therefore possible to retrieve events based on various attributes. Moreover, a variety of statistics can be computed on the event data. Thus, the presented system provides capabilities of a fully integrated smart system.

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This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CNS-0834753 and the EPSCoR First Award.
The XML file created for the example scenario, described in Section 4.1, is shown below. The proposed format of the XML file will be explained by using this example. The outermost node of the created XML file is +<EVENT_SCENARIOS>. When this node is opened, we see the following:
There are two <Event_Scenario> nodes, one for the composite event described in Section 4.1, and one for a primitive event defined separately. When the first <Event_Scenario> node is expanded, we see:

The first entry in the <Event_Scenario> node is the OperationType, which is the SEQUENCE operator in this case. The next entry in the <Event_Scenario> node is a node called <Argument>, which represents the first argument of the SEQUENCE operation. This node is followed by another node called <Frame_Interval>. The last entry is another <Argument> node representing the second operand of the SEQUENCE operation. As seen above, when the <Argument> node is expanded, the first entry is the ArgumentType stating whether this argument is a composite event or primitive event. In this case, the argument is a PRIMITIVE event. If the argument was a COMPOSITE event instead, then the next entry would be the OperationType again, stating the type of the operation relating the arguments of that composite argument. If the ArgumentType is PRIMITIVE, then the next node is the <Individual_Alarm_Definition>, which includes all the information about the primitive event definition. The <Frame_Interval> node of the <Event_Scenario> has the minimum and maximum number of frames desired between the arguments of the SEQUENCE operation.
When the <Individual_Alarm_Definition> node is expanded, ViewID is the ID number of the camera view. It tells which camera view the event was defined on. ClassID is the name of the primitive event, which is one of the six primitives we have. Identity is the description given to the event. <ViewDim> node has the information about the image of the camera view, specifically its width, height, and the origin location. If the definition of a primitive event includes defining a ROI, this information is saved under the <ROIs> node. This node has a <Polygon> node for each ROI. Each <Polygon> node is composed of <Vertex> nodes which have the <X> and <Y> coordinates of the vertices. If a schedule is defined for a primitive event, this information is saved under the <Active> node. It has the month, day, date, hour and minute information for the start and end times of the scheduling. The other parameters of the primitive event are saved under the <Parameters>. For instance, it can have the vertices of the trip wires or the minimum and maximum detected object sizes. Finally, the <Response> node has the <Email> and <Command> entries. <Email> holds the information about where to send an e-mail, and <Command> is the command to execute when this event happens.
The second <Event_ Scenario> node in our example XML file has the information about an “Abandoned Object” primitive event defined separately. When an event scenario is only a primitive event, the <OperationType> is NONE, and there is only one <Argument>.
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Velipasalar, S., Brown, L.M. & Hampapur, A. Detection of user-defined, semantically high-level, composite events, and retrieval of event queries. Multimed Tools Appl 50, 249–278 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0489-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0489-z