Multimedia news may be organized by the keywords and categories for exploration and retrieval applications, but it is very difficult to integrate the relation and visual information into the traditional category browsing and keyword-based search framework. This paper propose a new semantic model that can integrate keyword, relation and visual information in a uniform framework. Based on this semantic representation framework, the news exploration and retrieval applications can be organized by not only keywords and categories but also relations and visual properties. We also proposed a set of algorithms to automatically extract the proposed semantic model automatically from large collection of multimedia news reports.
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This work is supported by Shanghai Pujiang Program under 08PJ1404600, NSF-China under 60803077, Shanghai leading academic discipline project under B412 and East China Normal University Science Innovation Fund.
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Luo, H., Fan, J. & Zhou, Y. Multimedia news exploration and retrieval by integrating keywords, relations and visual features. Multimed Tools Appl 51, 625–648 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0639-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0639-3