In this article, we propose a middleware that supports a developer to build tabletop information display systems. We focus on an application that projects information close to a particular object on a table. To let a user focus on his/her primary task, the information is presented based on a current phase in a procedure, which we call procedure-awareness. Here, a current phase is recognized through the utilization of objects. The proposed middleware separates information from acquisition and presentation mechanisms: sensors for operational context recognition, sensors for object identification/tracking for “nearby presentation”, and projecting information near an object. A developer just needs to write a set of rules, i.e. application logic, that represent contents for particular operational contexts. Also, by implementing appropriate handlers, any content can be provided. We present the design and the implementation of the middleware and validate the expressiveness of application logics through prototype development.
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We thank Mr. Shogo Hashimoto for developing the AR-Cooking system. This work has been supported by MEXT funds for Grant-in-Aid for Division of Young Researchers and for Scientific Research (C) No. 21500117.
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Fujinami, K., Inagawa, N., Nishijo, K. et al. A middleware for a tabletop procedure-aware information display. Multimed Tools Appl 57, 269–293 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0759-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0759-4