Significant growth of multimedia content on the World Wide Web (or simply ‘Web’) has made it an essential part of peoples lives. The web provides enormous amount of information, however, it is very important for the users to be able to gauge the trustworthiness of web information. Users normally access content from the first few links provided to them by search engines such as Google or Yahoo!. This is assuming that these search engines provide factual information, which may be popular due to criteria such as page rank but may not always be trustworthy from the factual aspects. This paper presents a mechanism to determine trust of websites based on the semantic similarity of their multimedia content with already established and trusted websites. The proposed method allows for dynamic computation of the trust level of websites of different domains and hence overcomes the dependency on traditional user feedback methods for determining trust. In fact, our method attempts to emulate the evolving process of trust that takes place in a user’s mind. The experimental results have been provided to demonstrate the utility and practicality of the proposed method.

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Atrey, P.K., Ibrahim, H., Anwar Hossain, M. et al. Determining trust in media-rich websites using semantic similarity. Multimed Tools Appl 60, 69–96 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0798-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0798-x