User interfaces have traditionally followed the WIMP (window, icon, menu, pointer) paradigm. Though functional and powerful, they are usually cumbersome for a novice user to design a complex model, requiring considerable expertise and effort. This paper presents a system for designing geometric models and image deformation with sketching curves, with the use of Green coordinates. In 3D modeling, the user first creates a 3D model by using a sketching interface, where a given 2D curve is interpreted as the projection of the 3D curve. The user can add, remove, and deform these control curves easily, as if working with a 2D line drawing. For a given set of curves, the system automatically identifies the topology and face embedding by applying graph rotation system. Green coordinates are then used to deform the generated models with detail-preserving property. Also, we have developed a sketch-based image-editing interface to deform image regions using Green coordinates. Hardware-assisted schemes are provided for both control shape deformation and the subsequent surface optimization, the experimental results demonstrate that 3D/2D deformations can be achieved in realtime.

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The authors would like to thank all reviewers for their helpful suggestions and constructive comments, which have significantly improved our paper. Many thanks to Shunbing Chen for implementing and testing many parts of our system, to Dr. Jin Huang (Zhejiang University) for useful discussions. The work is supported by National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) No. 2009CB320802, 2011CB302200, National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 60833007,60873136, Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Content-Aware Image Synthesis and Its Applications, No. 4112061), French System@tic Paris-Region(CSDLProject) and ANR-NSFC No.60911130368, Hong Kong Research Grants Council grants 416007 and 415806.
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Sheng, B., Meng, W., Sun, H. et al. Sketch-based design for green geometry and image deformation. Multimed Tools Appl 62, 581–599 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0860-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0860-8