In this paper decision variables for the key-frame detection problem in a video are evaluated using statistical tools derived from the theory of design of experiments. The pixel-by-pixel intensity difference of consecutive video frames is used as the factor or decision variable for designing an experiment for key-frame detection. The determination of a key-frame is correlated with the different values of the factor. A novel concept of meaningfulness of a video key-frame is also introduced to select the representative key-frame from a set of possible key-frames. The use of the concepts of design of experiments and the meaningfulness property to summarize a video is tested using a number of videos taken from MUSCLE-VCD-2007 dataset. The performance of the proposed approach in detecting key-frames is found to be superior in comparison to the competing approaches like PME based method (Liu et al., IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol 13(10):1006–1013, 2003; Mukherjee et al., IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol 17(5):612–620, 2007; Panagiotakis et al., IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol 19(3):447–451, 2009).

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Appendix A: Obtaining (13) from [7]
Hoeffding’s inequality [ (7)] In our problem, m i is the number of frames in the ith unit. Then we can formulate the problem by a sequence of i.i.d. random variables \(\{X_q\}_{q=1,2,3,...,m_i}\), such that 0 ≤ X q ≤ 1. Let us define X q as,
for a given η, where l q is the l-ratio value of the qth frame of the ith unit. We set \(S_{m_i}=\sum_{q=1}^{m_i}X_q\) (i.e., the number of frames of ith unit having l-ratio greater than η) and \(\nu m_i=E\left[S_{m_i}\right]\). Then for νm i < t < m i (since ν is a probability value less than 1), putting \(\sigma=\frac{t}{m_i}\) as in [5], according to Hoeffding’s inequality,
In addition, the right hand term of this inequality satisfies,
This is Hoeffding’s inequality. We then apply this for finding the sufficient condition of ϵ-meaningfulness. If \(t\geq \nu m_i+\sqrt{\frac{\log {\lambda} - \log {\epsilon}}{H(\nu)}}\sqrt{m_i}\), then using (20) and (21) and putting \(\sigma=\frac{t}{m_i}\) we get
Then using (20) and (23) we get,
This means by definition of meaningfulness, the cut-off η is meaningful (according to (11)).
Since for ν in (0,1), H(ν) ≥ 2 (according to (22)) so from (24) we get the sufficient condition of meaningfulness as (13).
Appendix B: Algorithm of the proposed approach
Input the video sequence with speed X fps.
Find the Euclidean distance of color values of each pair of consecutive frames.
For γ = 1 to R (R is the maximum bound of color values) do
Give a binary value to each pixel using (2).
Find the matrix β d for each frame d.
Calculate p-ratio p d using (3).
For κ = 0 to 1 step δ κ do
Find all the frames with p d > κ.
If (any selected frame f i is less than X frame apart from f i + 1) do
Find the temporal distance between f i + 1 and f i + 2, f i + 2 and f i + 3, and so on until the temporal distance between f i + m and f i + m + 1 is greater than X.
Take the f i + m frame as the boundary of the group starting at frame f i − 1.
End if
- (iv)
End for κ
End for γ
Find F max = max (F-ratio) and corresponding value of γ and κ.
If F max < F critical
Consider the set of frames having p-ratio greater than κ as unit boundaries. else
Consider whole video as a single unit.
End if
Find l-ratio of each frame by (8).
For each unit i do
For \(\eta=0 ~ \mathrm{to} ~ 1 ~ \mathrm{step} ~ \frac{1}{\lambda}\) do
End for η
For \(\xi=\eta^{\prime} ~ \mathrm{to} ~ 1 ~ \mathrm{step} ~ \frac{1}{\lambda}\) do
End for ξ
Find the ξ satisfying (16).
Select the frames having l-ratio greater than ξ as key-frames.
End for unit
Display all the selected frames as key-frames.
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Mukherjee, S., Mukherjee, D.P. A design-of-experiment based statistical technique for detection of key-frames. Multimed Tools Appl 62, 847–877 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0882-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0882-2