In multi-source streaming systems, such as peer-to-peer (P2P), because the buffer space of each peer is limited, most systems employ the cache-and-relay schemes that require each peer to cache the most recent video blocks it receives. As long as a peer keeps the initial part of the video stream in the buffer, it can relay the cached blocks to new arriving peers in a pipelining fashion and then reduce the loading of a server. In our previous research work, we propose a novel caching scheme for peer-to-peer on-demand video streaming, called Dynamic Buffering, which relies on the feature of Multiple Description Coding to gradually reduce the number of cached descriptions in a peer once the buffer is full in order to prolong the service availability of a peer. In this paper we study the service availability of a peer with dynamic buffering for various numbers of different forwarded descriptions, and provide detailed analysis on how the number of different forwarded descriptions affects the average service availability of a peer. In addition, we derive the mathematical formulas of the reduction of the average service availability of a peer for various numbers of different forwarded descriptions, compared to the best case of the service availability of a peer, and the gain of the average service availability of a peer by releasing the overlapped buffer space with child peers. Our experimental results show that the reduction of the average service availability of a peer is only related to the number of different forwarded descriptions. Besides, regardless of arrival rates, most peers forwarding only one description would possess the highest average service availability for various numbers of different forwarding descriptions, which matches the criteria of the previous work Splitstream.
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This work was partially supported by National Science Council of Taiwan under contracts NSC 100-2221-E-024-006.
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Lin, CS., Lin, JW. Service availability of a peer with dynamic buffering for multiple description coded videos on multi-source streaming networks. Multimed Tools Appl 75, 1009–1026 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2341-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2341-3