This paper addresses the challenging issue of marker less tracking for Augmented Reality. It proposes a real-time camera localization in a partially known environment, i.e. for which a geometric 3D model of one static object in the scene is available. We propose to take benefit from this geometric model to improve the localization of keyframe-based SLAM by constraining the local bundle adjustment process with this additional information. We demonstrate the advantages of this solution, called contrained SLAM, on both synthetic and real data and present very convincing augmentation of 3D objects in real-time. Using this tracker, we also propose an interactive augmented reality system for training application. This system, based on a Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display, allows to augment the users vision field with virtual information accurately co-registered with the real world. To keep greatly benefit of the potential of this hand free device, the system combines the tracker module with a simple user-interaction vision-based module to provide overlaid information in response to user requests.

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In [17] a global bundle adjustment is also performed in a dedicated thread
T = 3 in [33]
Note that due to a parallel implementation in a mapping and a tracking threads, a global bundle adjustment is also performed in [17] while keeping real-time performance.
LC means Lines Constraints, PC means Planar Constraints for the model constraints, i. e. the known part of the environment and E means that the multi-view relationship of the unknown part of the environment are taken into account.
The plane equation z = 0 can be refined by selecting the surrounding point cloud and using a plane fitting algorithm.
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We thank Laster Technologies company who provided the glasses prototype.
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Tamaazousti, M., Naudet-Collette, S., Gay-Bellile, V. et al. The constrained SLAM framework for non-instrumented augmented reality. Multimed Tools Appl 75, 9511–9547 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-015-2968-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-015-2968-8