Scene flow provides the 3D motion field of point clouds, which correspond to image pixels. Current algorithms usually need complex stereo calibration before estimating flow, which has strong restrictions on the position of the camera. This paper proposes a monocular camera scene flow estimation algorithm. Firstly, an energy functional is constructed, where three important assumptions are turned into data terms derivation: a brightness constancy assumption, a gradient constancy assumption, and a short time object velocity constancy assumption. Two smooth operators are used as regularization terms. Then, an occluded map computation algorithm is used to ensure estimating scene flow only on un-occluded points. After that, the energy functional is solved with a coarse-to-fine variational equation on Gaussian pyramid, which can prevent the iteration from converging to a local minimum value. The experiment results show that the algorithm can use three sequential frames at least to get scene flow in world coordinate, without optical flow or disparity inputting.

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The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions. This work is supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.61272062, 61300036), the Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program (Grant No.2013BAH38F01).
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1.1 Iterative process
Our iterative process is divided into two layers. The outer layer is constructed by the Gaussian pyramid from coarse to fine, iterations at this level is for getting unknown quantity itself. At each layer of the pyramid, the inner iteration can get the unknown variables incremental from SOR iteration. As Fig. 12 shows, the Gaussian pyramid layers is built according to input outer layer iteration value, during the build process, we calculate the scaling factor for each layer. In order to ensure correct correspondence between the image space and the world space, the scaling factor should not only work for image resolution, but also for focal length of the camera and the optical center position. At the inner iteration process, the scene flow quantity initial values are set to zero. By setting the value of inner iteration times, starting from the lowest resolution level of Gaussian pyramid, SOR iteration obtains the unknown value increment before convergence or reaching the number of iterations. Every final value of inner iteration will be added to current outer layer, and set as initial value of next outer layer. Algorithm 2 shows the whole iteration process.
It is necessary to determine the number of iterations of the inner and outer layers in the iterative process. The number of iterations of outer layers determines the pyramid layers. Our experiments set the outer iteration number as 10 due to memory limitations. Figure 13 shows the relationship between erroneous percentage and inner iteration numbers, the iterations are processed at the last outer layer. We set the number of inner iteration as 10, for the polyline shows: iterations more than 10 will cause over smooth.

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Xiao, D., Yang, Q., Yang, B. et al. Monocular scene flow estimation via variational method. Multimed Tools Appl 76, 10575–10597 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-015-3091-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-015-3091-6