Smart devices such as smart phone play an important role in networked environments as connecting to other network devices and Internet Things. Smart phone combines the features of cell phone and a personal computer operating system. And it has become one of vital elements for modern people and society. However, smartphone has drawbacks like spam and security. Globally, people are exposed to spam call that they receive promotion calls from twice to dozens of times a day, spam call and voice phishing due to hacking and personal information leak in the internet environment. This phenomenon can cause personal stress, anxiety due to phone bank fraud, waste of time for receiving spam call, disturbance during work, criminal and the other serious social problems. In the present study, Humming Call system has been studied and developed to provide the measurement for evaluation and activation of service to prevent spam call in advance as a solution for the aforementioned problem. Hamming call is a service which receives information to help call through differentiation from existing service related to anti-spam system from DB (Internal DB) and Server. Then it provides the information for incoming call and outgoing call. To measure the actual performance by utilizing the system of this present study, DB has used CUBRID DBMS for 6 months and data stored in DB have been extracted through SQL Statement. The results indicate that this system prevents such problem for over 30%. If main function among various functions of this system is specialized and developed focusing on management of spam call from phone number, the system would perform more effectively.

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Sung, C.S., Kim, C.H. & Park, J.Y. Development of humming call system for blocking spam on a smartphone. Multimed Tools Appl 76, 17371–17383 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-017-4511-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-017-4511-6