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A robust CBIR framework in between bags of visual words and phrases models for specific image datasets

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Multimedia Tools and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


One objective of the Content Based Image Retrieval research field is to propose new methodologies and tools to manage the increasing number of images available. Linked to a specific context of small expert datasets without prior knowledge, our research work focuses on improving the discriminative power of the image representation while keeping the same efficiency for retrieval. Based on the well-known bag of visual words model, we propose three different methodologies inspired by the visual phrase model effectiveness and a compression technique which ensures the same effectiveness for retrieval than the BoVW model. Our experimental results study the performance of our proposals on different well known benchmark datasets and show its good performance compared to other recent approaches.

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This research is supported by the Poitou-Charentes Regional Founds for Research activities and the European Regional Development Founds (ERDF) inside the e-Patrimoine project from the ax 1 of the NUMERIC Program.

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Ouni, A., Urruty, T. & Visani, M. A robust CBIR framework in between bags of visual words and phrases models for specific image datasets. Multimed Tools Appl 77, 26173–26189 (2018).

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