Rapid growth in the use of digitized images in commercial, business, government and medical use has led to the need for protecting the images against eavesdroppers and securely transmit them in the network. Images pertained to finance, medical and crime investigation fields are expected to be confidential because of its sensitivity. As reported in the literature most of encryption algorithms developed for gray images is only applied for color images. An exclusive system to exploit color spaces has been proposed that functions in a multilayered model. It is named as HybRid multilAyereD chaotic ImAge eNcrypTion (RADIANT) system to process sensitive color images especially applicable for medical and forensic domains. In the first layer, logistic mapping is done to perform chaotic masking, followed by DNA encoding in the second layer. This layer objective is to increase confusion diffusion level by substitution permutation. In the third layer, ECC over GF(p) that focus on spatial domain is adopted for encryption as it has been identified as a prominent encryption technique being popular for its mathematical strength. The proposed RADIANT system is hybrid in nature as it operates on both symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystem combination. Experimental results obtained by testing with bench mark images ascertain an ideal measure for MSE, PSNR that makes it more suitable for signal processing activities involving sensitive color images.

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The part of this research work is supported by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Science and Engineering Board (SERB), Government of India under the ECR grant (ECR/2017/000679/ES)
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Sasikaladevi, N., Geetha, K., Sriharshini, K. et al. RADIANT - hybrid multilayered chaotic image encryption system for color images. Multimed Tools Appl 78, 11675–11700 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6711-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6711-0