In this paper, we propose a robust visual object clustering approach based on bounding box ranking to discover the characteristics of objects from real-world datasets containing a large number of noisy images, and apply it to sightseeing spot assessment. The purpose is to develop a diversity of resources for sightseeing from images available on social network services (SNS). Objects appearing frequently in images captured in a certain city may represent a certain characteristic of it (local culture, architecture, and so on). Such knowledge can be used to discover various sightseeing resources from the perspective of the user rather than that of the provider (e.g., a travel agency). However, owing to the variable quality of images on SNS, it is challenging to identify objects common to several images by using conventional object discovery methods, and this is where the proposed approach is useful. Extensive experiments on standard and extended benchmarks verified its effectiveness. We also tested the proposed method on an application where the characteristics of a city (i.e., cultural elements) were discovered from a set of images of it. Moreover, by utilizing the objects discovered from images on SNS, we propose an object-level assessment framework to rank sightseeing spots by assigning scores and verify its performance.

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Ge, M., Zhuang, C. & Ma, Q. Robust visual object clustering and its application to sightseeing spot assessment. Multimed Tools Appl 78, 17135–17164 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-7066-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-7066-2