Sending and receiving information in today’s world has become easy. Recent advancements in the technology have made the world shrink. The transfer of data hence has become effortless. At one touch of the ‘send’ button, the data is made available to the required receiver. This has put the sender and receiver at ease to communicate. Ensuring the safety of the data being transmitted and also that it is in the right hands are the prime aspects of the communication process. Anyone who is interested in knowing the information may mess about the data. Hence it is required to protect the information from the unauthorized user. The very intention of this work is to provide enough security to the confidential color images that are to reach only the legitimate receiver. This paper focuses on the essential quantum of work required to ensure that the confidential images are out of harm’s way. It also is a sincere effort to accomplish the same using not very complicated techniques and to make use of a combination of simple algorithms like tent map and logistic map. The goal of the work is achieved with exertion which employs the technique of splitting the image into required number of appropriate blocks followed by the implementation of the vital processes: confusion and diffusion to achieve the mission. Confusion involves shuffling of the blocks and diffusion is implemented using a random sequence. This technique applied has helped to reach the least amount of correlation between the pixels in the ciphered image. The lesser is the degree of association between the nearby pixels in the encrypted image, higher is the efficiency of the encryption. The method implemented in this work is a simple version of the combination of tent map and logistic map and is trouble free and at the same time gives the required security to the image so that no unauthenticated user can make out the data even if he manages to get the ciphered adaptation of it.

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Sumathi, R., Raajan, N.R. A multilevel distributed image based encryption for full integrity. Multimed Tools Appl 79, 2161–2183 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-08104-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-08104-z