Depth image based rendering (DIBR) is an effective method for virtual view synthesis from Multi-view Plus Depth(MVD) video. Synthetic images, however, often contain ghost effect and some holes of varying sizes. This paper uses color correction of reference views, and combines depth-based image fusion with direct color image fusion to decrease the ghost effect. Meanwhile, the cracks are filled using depth filtering and inverse warping. What’s more, the image depth-aided inpainting with GPU acceleration is used to fill the remaining big disocclusions. Experimental results show that our proposed method improved the quality of virtual view synthetic images and reduced the processing time sharply.

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Depth image based rendering
- MVD:
Multi-view Plus Depth
- FVV:
Free Viewpoint Video
- SSD:
Sum of Squared Difference
Peak-Signal to Noise Ratio
Structural Similarity Index Measurement
Compute Unified Device Architecture
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This work is supported by natural science foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant No.BK20181267, Industrial Prospective Project of Jiangsu Technology Department under Grant No.BE2018119.
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Yao, L., Han, Y. & Li, X. Fast and high-quality virtual view synthesis from multi-view plus depth videos. Multimed Tools Appl 78, 19325–19340 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-7236-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-7236-x