Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly used through smart devices with internet-based networks. Communication and data sharing between these devices have also grown in several ways. It is presenting a new dimension to the whole digital right management (DRM) industry. The main focus of IoT based DRM technology is to facilitate the authorised user for using multimedia content through smart devices. However, threats of information breach between communication channels also rapidly increasing, which is making content distribution a challenging task. Moreover, the computation and communication efficiency along with user privacy also requires an ideal DRM system. To address concerns of security, efficiency and privacy over internet-based networks, we design a content key distribution framework for DRM systems. The security proof of the proposed framework is given in the random oracle model along with informal security analysis. Moreover, the security analysis performed using widely adopted simulation tool, namely, “Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocol and Application (AVISPA)”. The study of performance is conducted, which indicates that it fulfils the requirements of computation and computation efficiency.

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This work is supported by Science and Engineering Research Board under File No:ECR/2015/000243.
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Rana, S., Mishra, D. Secure and ubiquitous authenticated content distribution framework for IoT enabled DRM system. Multimed Tools Appl 79, 20319–20341 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-08683-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-08683-2