Children with Down syndrome (DS) have deficits in eye-hand coordination skills. Deficits in eye-hand coordination could negatively impact the acquisition of literacy skills. This paper presents the evaluation of BeeSmart, a gesture-based videogame for supporting eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills. The aim of this work is to investigate whether BeeSmart has the potential to support eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills of children with DS. A 10-week study with seven children with DS and two psychotherapists is presented. The results indicate that BeeSmart was perceived as a potential tool to support eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills. Three out of seven participants improved their eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills to some degree. The evaluation study also revealed some improvements that should be made to BeeSmart, such as a reward counter for children with DS with a higher cognitive level. More game sessions with BeeSmart is required to investigate at what degree of BeeSmart improves eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills of children with DS.

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Literacy is an activity based on written and spelling systems.
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The authors thank all the participants and staff from CENTRO DOWN. This research was partially funded by the Sonora Institute of Technology (ITSON) through the PROFAPI program.
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Caro, K., Encinas-Monroy, I.A., Amado-Sanchez, V.L. et al. Using a Gesture-based videogame to support eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills of children with down syndrome. Multimed Tools Appl 79, 34101–34128 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09452-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09452-x