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A survey of 3D object detection

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Due to the rapid development of science and technology, object detection has become a promising research direction in computer vision. In recent years, most object detection frameworks proposed in the existing research are 2D. However, 2D object detection cannot take three-dimensional space into account, resulting in its inability to be used to solve problems in real world. Hence, we conduct this 3D object detection survey in the hope that 3D object detection methods can be better applied to the contexts of intelligent video surveillance, robot navigation and autonomous driving technology. There exist various 3D object detection methods while in this paper we only focus on the popular deep learning based methods. We divide these approaches into four categories according to the input data category. Besides, we discuss the innovations of these frames and compare their experimental results in terms of accuracy. Finally, we indicate the technical difficulties associated with current 3D object detection and discuss future research directions.

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This research was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant agreements Nos. 61973250, 61802306, 61973249, 61702415, 61902318, 61876145. Scientific research plan for servicing local area of Shaanxi province education department: 19JC038, 19JC041. Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi (Nos.2019GY-012, 2021GY-077).

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Liang, W., Xu, P., Guo, L. et al. A survey of 3D object detection. Multimed Tools Appl 80, 29617–29641 (2021).

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