To address the problems of existing image encryption algorithms based on chaotic systems, such as the weak resistance to attack, the unstable performance of the chaotic system, and the small size of the key space, a new block image encryption algorithm based on a new hyperchaotic system and generative adversarial networks (GANs) is proposed in this paper. First, a new hyperchaotic system with an improved chaotic dynamic performance and key space is designed. Then, to ensure the security and efficiency of whole-image block encryption, the new hyperchaotic system is combined with the nonlinear parallel processing mechanism of the neural network, key stream, generative adversarial networks and an improved generalized Feistel structure to scramble and diffuse the plaintext image at the pixel level to obtain the ciphertext image. The experimental results show that the proposed encryption algorithm has a large key space, high security and robustness and resistance to common attacks. At the same time, the proposed method provides a new idea for the combination of chaotic systems and neural networks in image encryption.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61973248 and the Key Project of Shaanxi Key Research and Development Program under Grant 2018ZDXM-GY-089.
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• A new hyperchaotic system with a larger Lyapunov index is proposed to obtain a much larger key space.
• The complex key stream with high randomness is generated by combining generative adversarial networks with a hyperchaotic system.
• A novel alternate structure image encryption algorithm is constructed by using the nonlinear parallel processing mechanism of the neural network, key stream and an improved generalized Feistel structure to scramble and diffuse the encryption of the plaintext image at the pixel level with high security.
• The security of the proposed algorithm is analysed qualitatively and quantitatively.
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Fang, P., Liu, H., Wu, C. et al. A block image encryption algorithm based on a hyperchaotic system and generative adversarial networks. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 21811–21857 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12092-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12092-y